Termite Inspections

Why Inspect?
Every year thousands of homes are attacked by termites or other wood destroying pests. Home purchasers need to know if these pests are present before investing their money. Therefore it is wise to have the property inspected by a representative of a licensed pest control company who can detect the presence of wood destroying pests and can provide a report on his findings.

Who Orders An Inspection?
A pest control firm may be selected by the seller or his agent, lending institution, or buyer, depending on the state's real estate laws or established practice. As a purchaser, you should be advised as to which company is doing the inspection and in some areas as a buyer you can make the selection.

What Does The Inspection Entail?
A qualified representative from the licensed pest control company will perform the inspection. He inspects all visible areas of the structure which are readily accessible to him. If he finds evidence of an infestation he reports the evidences on a specified form. An inspection may include sounding or probing areas where infestations are suspected.

What If Evidence Of An Infestation Is Found?
The company will recommend the appropriate treatment to control the pest. For termites, a treatment is usually warranted for a year, Meaning if an infestation is found while the warranty is in effect, the company will retreat at no charge to you.


1. No Visible Signs of termite activity.
During this inspection we found that the house appeared to have never had termite treatment. A one year renewable service contract is available at an additional cost.

2. No Active Signs of termite activity.
This report finds no active termite activity at the time of our inspection, however, our interview with the owner of the house, in addition to other visible evidence, makes it clear that at one time in the past there was as active condition of termites and it has been corrected. We suggest that you contact the home owner, and verify if a service contract is currently in effect. If not, a 5 or 9 year renewable service contract is available from Bio-Tech at an additional cost.

3. Active Signs of Termites.
A current active termite condition has been found. A proposal for the correction of the termite infestation will be will be provided. Once Bio-tech has corrected the termite problem, a renewable one year service contract will be issued.

Services Offered

-Bora Scope and Locator Termite Inspection
-Conventional Termite Inspection
-Termite Control
-Residential pest control including homes and apartments.
-Commercial pest control including:

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